Kalinaw-serenity or tranquility

Your love is,

Like a,

Peaceful garden,

Where butterflies freely,

Stretch out their,

Fragile wings,

And rest their weary heads,

On a bed,

Of tranquility.


-Gilda Patricia


Kalinaw meaning serenity or tranquility


In response to Word-High July: 30 Beautiful Filipino Words: Day 5-Kalinaw

Set by Reading Writer blog,  and Doodles and Scribbles

Author: Gildaspoems

Poems that feed the soul

13 thoughts on “Kalinaw-serenity or tranquility”

  1. Gilda, beautiful words. As I am reading this I am watching two butterflies dancing around a lavender bush. Your poem captures the image perfectly.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh wow… the comparison of love and a garden full of butterflies! 💕 Yes, that’s the kind of kalinaw we could find in both…


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