Waves of Forgiveness

Your heart like tranquil waters,

Smooth sailing,

On peaceful seas,


Suddenly halted,

By the crashing wave,

Of my outburst.


Set adrift,

By my choppy undercurrent;


The life inside your heart,

Now as tepid water,

Stagnant and clipped…


Thankfully raised up,

In the wake of,

My amends.


Your waves of forgiveness,

Soothe my silakbo.


-Gilda Patricia


Written for Word High July-30 Beautiful Filipino Words

Day 8- silakbo- meaning: emotional outburst.

Challenge set by A Reading Writer’s Blog, and Doodles and Scribbles.




Author: Gildaspoems

Poems that feed the soul

14 thoughts on “Waves of Forgiveness”

  1. Wow, I love how you related love and forgiveness to water and the sea!! The sea can be very powerful and deep, but so can love, so they intertwine so well in this metaphor ❤

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