Gigil for Life


Had I known

That only by tomorrow

You’d be grown…

I would have went with

My first urge and instinct

To squeeze all the juice and gusto

Out of life

Before am gone.


Had I known,

I would have played

The part of bystander less

Observing less

Instead diving more 

Into the deep end

Of the ocean 

With reckless abandon…


Not even stopping to 

Worry if my hair got wet.


Had I known,

I would have ignored

My second more acceptable

Rational impulse 

To pay close and careful attention

To what other people think.


Thankfully, I’m not

10 feet under yet!


-Gilda Patricia


Day 29- Word of the day-gigil (n.) Uncontrollable urge to pinch or squeeze someone

Word High July-30 Beautiful Filipino Words

challenge set by A Reading Writer’s blog, and Doodles and Scribbles


Author: Gildaspoems

Poems that feed the soul

17 thoughts on “Gigil for Life”

      1. Whatever works for you, Gilda–it’s all a “shadow” on the net anyway :):) (I mean my name, not what I write from the heart–that’s genuine/authentic!)

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