Why Resist Love? (Part II)

Ego only has the strength to push away,

It’s gain an equal loss.

Love sits quietly at your door,

Not fighting, shaming, blaming, forcing,

Neither begging or pleading…

Love only waits to be chosen,

Then its power unleashed!

Embracing love creates space,

For soulful life on earth.

Ego’s pointless, petty pushing,

Only leads to spiral into oblivion.

Ego is losing! Β 

Yes, egos are running scared.

The bigger the ego,

The harder the fall…

Just stand out of its way, is all.


-Gilda Patricia



Author: Gildaspoems

Poems that feed the soul

11 thoughts on “Why Resist Love? (Part II)”

  1. Another insightful and wonderful poem Gilda. I love your poetry it always provides something to take away and reflect on πŸ™‚


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