A Night with Sister Moon

On the edge of never meeting,

Hearts forever reverberating,

Lost within a dream so fleeting,

Dreamer’s last hope near retreating…

Sinking fast now,

Trying not to drown,

Braving merciless undertow,

Rip currents whirling all around…


Suddenly here in silent union,

With Sister Moon,

Calm, yet breathless,

Strewn across the trusted shore,

Faith blanketing my waves of doubt,

Warmed by Sister’s steady moon-glow,

Finding comfort and reassurance there. 

Peacefully, joyfully now awaiting…


Love’s Return, brought forth with the rising tide…

Receding nevermore.

Karma’s chains unraveled by the sands of time…

Loves True Destiny rewritten upon the stars,

A glorious Light sparkling endlessly,

Adorning Mother Earth…

As winds of change usher in,

Birth of a New Dawn.


-Gilda Patricia

(Poem in honor of this weeks supermoon.)


Author: Gildaspoems

Poems that feed the soul

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