Highest Love Waits

Sometimes things need to simmer,

And brew…

If we stir the pot too early,

The flavors will never intermingle,

To create something rich, complex and new.

We are taught to get on with things,

Moving further and flying higher,

Needing to seek the stars,Β 

And touch the moon,

Before broken wings heal.

We say, there’s no time for gleaning meaning,

Or for feelings reconsidered…

But can time truly fly by?

Or is time an illusionary condition,

Superseded by Higher love’s

Absolute vision?

This love akin to an invisible

Siamese twin, that belongs to us,

And waits on us alone,

Contentedly inseparable from our side,

Even if eternity itself got up,

And sped right by.


-Gilda Patricia




Author: Gildaspoems

Poems that feed the soul

14 thoughts on “Highest Love Waits”

  1. Can time fly by? Good question, apparently it’s only illusion πŸ™‚ deep thoughts joint together 🌺

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I have read this poem three times now Gilda and each time the poem slows you down in the reading. In a world where speed is of the essence and attainment of goals seems to be paramount there is a very deep and poignant message in your poem. Thank you for the reminder.

    Liked by 1 person

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