Dancing with Spirit

Feeling weary,

Feeling dreary,

Ghouls to my left,

Goblins to my right,

Walking with dread,

Into the darkened night,

Pushed and pulled by raging storms,

Blanketed in fear,

Swept up by sorrow.

Could this be my dance with Spirit?

Building pinnacles of trust,

Shaping arches of hope,

Balancing stones of strength,

Bringing geysers of compassion,

Weaving webs of angelic love,

Growing endless vines of peace,

Filling fields with abundant life…

My soul living infinitely in God’s kingdom,

And eternally in God’s Spirit,

Ever rooted in soulful security,

A heart overflowing in joy.

-by gilda patricia

Author: Gildaspoems

Poems that feed the soul