
 I am 48 years old, and a “later in life,” mom of a six year old, whom I adore!  Married and living on LI, New York, near the beautiful sea. Writing poems helps me to slow down, feel my feelings and just be.  It’s part of my spiritual practice for becoming more centered, happy, connected, grateful, joyful, and alive.

  Journal writing, art, meditation, Reiki, listening to music and walking in nature are some other activities I love to do that also nurture my soul.  

   I love to keep alert for synchronized chance happenings in my day.  I use them as sign posts, pointing me to the truth of God’s constant love and care.  (I’m planning to write a book someday on these mini-miracles, and some very big ones. We shall see!) God’s love is truly the greatest miracle in my life.

Thank you for taking the time to read my poems.  I may also post a short story or two!  Since poetry writing is a passion of mine, I feel lucky and blessed to share some here with you, dear reader.  May God’s light and love shine down and bless you this day.