The Hurricane Within

A hurricane of feelings,

Buried sludge and mess,

Coming up to the surface,

And into the Light of awareness,

To heal, TO HEAL, only to heal..


Running away our whole lives,

Thinking we dodged that bullet.

Now these feelings are back suddenly,

And with a vengeance,

To heal, TO HEAL, only to heal…


An avalanche of emotion,

A tsunami of grief,

A torrid of raining despair,

With tornado force angry winds slapping us in the face,

To heal, TO HEAL, only to heal...


Our assumed solid structures threatened,

High tide seeping into our bones,

Pushing our most hidden buttons,

Breaking down our most trusted defenses and strongest resistance.

Why?  …Ah yes, to heal.


Feelings just passing through,

 Not here to stay…

False assumptions, loveless pursuits, ego gains,

Unforgiving pride, riding out inner storms alone,

Without God…


Stop now and step securely

Into the center of the storm, the eye

Where God’s infinitely loving and peaceful presence


Wait there for angels to sing.


-Gilda Patricia