Living Large

You, most joyful chosen one,

Are free from moods and fancies,

Fickle tastes and passing trends…

You are the Light that shines!

Meditate on the purity of Light,

Found within your own spirit.

A drop of water may have little worth alone,

But met by the fullness of the sea…

Overflows in depth, mystery, richness, power, life and treasures yet to be discovered and uncovered.

Each drop in the greater ocean,

Sharing in its glory, beauty and wonder with indescribable awe…

As the Light of your spirit,

Is a speck of God’s glorious Spirit.

All comparisons end,

When we glory instead in our God given treasures,

The fruits of His Spirit.

Only the humble, the loving,

The believing heart…

Would wish to merge in oneness,

With the greater Spirit.

Keeping pettiness aside,

For pettiness is living small.

Instead embody the peaceful Spirit of God,

And as a droplet in the greater ocean,

You too will Live large.

by gilda patricia