Successful Meditation

I meditate.

I put my cares and woes on hold,

My agendas on hold,

My need to find answers, on hold,

My need to fix people and things, on hold,

My need to save the world,

Or prove to the world,

I have all the answers…

Also on hold.

The only thing I don’t put on hold,

Is my breath…

Expanding my in breath,

Releasing my out breath,

In slow and steady succession,

I meditate.


-Gilda Patricia



Why Your Ego Hates To Meditate

If you walk around speedily,

With purpose in your gait,

And a serious look upon your face,

You may even convince yourself,

Of your importance.

Does sitting still,

In a relaxed and peaceful pose,

Prove that you,

Don’t matter much,

To the world?

Only your ego asks you to,

“Do the math.”

Counting appearances,

 Of much greater worth,

Than happiness or substance.

-Gilda Patricia