Heavenly Peace

Heaven is here,

Just under the adrenaline rush…

Jesus waits for those ready, willing and able to accept Him.

Peace could feel like death to some!

To me also once.

Healing is that sweet release from attachments,

Cravings and wishes for

A nonstop thrill ride,

Bringing ego satisfaction.

Soul satisfaction instead is heavenly bliss and peace…

May the serene joy of Baby Jesus’ heavenly peace,

Be yours today.

Merry Christmas!!

-by gilda patricia

One Uni-Verse

(One divine love song)

One uni-verse

One verse, one song,

Playing for infinity,

In infinite ways and infinite forms.

One divine love song,

A soft beat rippling out hope,

Ringing out eternal, peace, joy, love, beauty,

and truth.

Expressions and extensions of love,

Arise and spring forth,

From one divine love Source,

Vibrations registered in time and space.

This divine song reverberates through one uni -verse,

Invisible to the naked eye,

But underlying all,

Heralding a love most sublime and refined,

Joining true love doves,

Scattered to the wind,

Now united on Spirit wings,

To sing their eternal love song.

This world of illusion and confusion,

May hide the steady pulse

Of God’s divine love as it rises,

To the surface,

Still this common cord,

Links our Uni-verse in oneness.

It is the harmony and peace

Of one divine love song,

Won’t you sing along?

-by gilda patricia

Heart of Oneness

Think back to a time you felt Oneness…

Were you in the middle of the ocean, in a tropical locale, with clean, clear warm waters, feeling the warm sun and soft breeze on your face and hearing the gently crashing waves?

Were you on some other vacation?  Were you on a speed boat feeling the sprays, were you on a peaceful lake or in the middle of a red wood forest?  Were you looking up at a full moon?  Were there animals around?  Were they making noises?  Were crickets, frogs or birds chirping?  Maybe you were on a safari and heard some lions, elephants or monkeys?  Can you imagine their noises?

Did you feel oneness during a loving relaxed time spent with family or a friend?

Was it your wedding day?  Better yet, was it on your honeymoon?  Or was it the day you got engaged?

Was it the day you had a baby, or got your baby, or held a baby?  When you first looked into their eyes and saw their smile?

Or was it the day you fell in love?

Looking back further in time, was it a day from your childhood?  Were you carried by a parent, or playing with a pet, or just carefree playing in the street with friends, or at a sleepover?

Now go back even further and imagine the peaceful oneness of being in your birth mother’s womb. Can you hear the heartbeat?

So, if you’re ever feeling anxious, sad, overwhelmed or separated for any reason at all, just come back to your center and reclaim your connected oneness…for deep down in your heart and soul you know oneness as truth.

-by gilda patricia

(poem inspired by Dr. Tieraona Love Dog M.D. from her sacred feminine class)

From Reflex to Reflect

How will I choose to live,

In this dualistic world,

Reflexively or reflectively?

Reflecting on thoughts,

Feelings and behaviors,

Of my own,

Brings grace, healing

And blessings unknown.

While reflex style,

Knee-jerk reactions,

Chain me to the karmic wheel,

Of duality.

Reflection buoys me in the

Serene sea of Oneness,

With compassion,

For All That Is.

Reflection sets my heart and hearth aglow,

With peace, joy, hope and love,

In God’s mercy,

Where reflex reactions,

Keep my heart-home buried,

Under ice and snow…

Just for today,

If negativity comes my way,

I will bless and deflect,

And then reflect upon,

The part I play.


-gilda patricia

Radical Self-Love in 2022

Now is time for a Divine-Love revolution!

Beginning with self-love,

A radical new idea?

Self respect, self forgiveness, self understanding and self care.

Redirecting love inward and upward on the in-breath…

Allowing a Divine Feminine reawakening,

In God’s Spirit of Divine-Love (Jesus),

Divine Feminine now vibrating higher,

In renewed peace, love and joy,

Moves downward and outward on the out-breath…

To grace the world with God’s Higher Love.

Our own self-love evolution,

Taking God’s transformative Love and Light,

And spreading it around…

My hope filled resolution!

For heaven on earth?

Divine-Love’s the solution.

by gilda patricia

-photo by gilda patricia

Happy, healthy New Year to you!!

Day of the Heart

The heart knows, then…

The brain tries to understand.

The heart sees, then…

The brain deciphers.

The heart recognizes, then…

The brain names and labels.

The heart remembers, then…

The brain judges.

The heart loves, then…

The brain fears the loss of love.

The heart joins, then…

The brain divides so his ego might live.

The heart lives in joy, then…

The brain, tied up with the ego, lets the curtain fall on joy.

Drop into your heart center, then…

Peacefully, joyfully, lovingly,

Come alive on this glorious, beautiful,

God given day!!

Happy New Year!!!! 2020

-gilda patricia