Not perfect

The perfection of God set me free.

The perfection of God carries me.

Not just dead words written across the page,

Nor stale air, nor inflated wishes,

Or tricks to mislead…

Just my imperfect attempt to convey,

God’s deeply felt love for me.

If not felt, then not expressed!

Highest light, touching deepest heart core.

Humble? Then I would not say.

Perfect, trendy, glamorous, proud?

Thankfully need not be,

Nor any soul seeking God‘s close proximity.

The perfection of God set me free.

The perfection of God carries me.

More prayer and less blame,

Puts the perfect Will of Creator,

Before any lesser attachments, smaller wills,

Or imperfect creations.

-by gilda patricia

Radical Self-Love in 2022

Now is time for a Divine-Love revolution!

Beginning with self-love,

A radical new idea?

Self respect, self forgiveness, self understanding and self care.

Redirecting love inward and upward on the in-breath…

Allowing a Divine Feminine reawakening,

In God’s Spirit of Divine-Love (Jesus),

Divine Feminine now vibrating higher,

In renewed peace, love and joy,

Moves downward and outward on the out-breath…

To grace the world with God’s Higher Love.

Our own self-love evolution,

Taking God’s transformative Love and Light,

And spreading it around…

My hope filled resolution!

For heaven on earth?

Divine-Love’s the solution.

by gilda patricia

-photo by gilda patricia

Happy, healthy New Year to you!!


There’s a fine art to 

Being polite and authentic, 

At the same time…

Drawing outside the lines,

Without stepping on anyone’s toes…

Doing “as is expected…”

Stopping at preset lights,

Moving only when someone else says go…

Could very well stunt personal freedom,

And the chance to live and grow.

Would it put a shade over life’s

Intuitive inner glow?

Freely being ourselves could

Stir up dust,

Into otherwise stagnant spaces…

Mixing things up,

Firing off synapses,

Causing seeds to become wildflowers.

Do you prefer plastic roses,

Or the real thing.


Gilda Patricia




Island Soul

Swept away in a sea of people,

“Island unto myself” deserted, 

Neglected, abandoned…

Forgotten land of lost,

And buried treasures.


Sailing off instead with the big ships,

In the high seas…

Terrified of missing the Fantasy Liner of other’s,

Dreams and desires.

Scared of being left behind,

In the dismal cold.

Tossed about in a sea of insecurity,

Waters threatening to overtake,

The hollow shell of me.


Exhausted, beaten up, tired of the fight,

Finally surrendered

To God’s higher will…

Washed up on the shore of my

True Island Soul,

There in the warm sunlight of grace, 

Where inner peace reigns,

And hope’s eternal springs flow,

Reuniting with God’s love is


Coming home to my

Beautiful Island Soul.

Not a place, just Inner Space

Of my own…to stretch out and breath,

At One, never lost, whether come or go.


-Gilda Patricia






Re-membering Soul

When outer “egoic” reward is given,

It’s easy to bask in false pride,

Making gods of men,

And trusting in lies,

discarding soul needs,

Deeming pointless the

Small, still voice inside……..

But trust me,

Your soul is worth,

Absolute Divine love,

Absolute Divine glory,

And Absolute Divine care…

Sometimes it takes,

Losing everything,

To get this important,

Valuable soul-worth lesson.

Perhaps losing everything,

Is a small price to pay,

For regaining your,

Beautiful eternal soul.


-Gilda Patricia



Born Free

I needed to learn the value,

Of the freedom found,

In rewarding myself,

With my own being-ness…

To light a candle,

Put on my favorite music,

Do something just for me…



Take a bath,

Write a poem,

Read a good book…

Fill myself up, to overflowing,

With Love Divine,


I’m worth it.

I just forgot…

I was free since birth.


Gilda Patricia

Dropping Costumes

Super human,

Don’t claim to be.

Playing Wonder Woman,

Not my priority.


Letting go of,

Stubborn pride’s game.

Tight, ill-fitting costume,

Won’t suit me.


Giving it to God,

Just for today.

Wearing my truth,

Like a shield of honor.


Taking time out…

One very precious moment,

To relax, unwind,

Be me!

(I actually love Wonder Woman.  Just wouldn’t wish to fill her shoes!)


-Gilda Patricia

Past Level Ground

In the alligator pit of life,

Knocked so low,

With no choice but,

To climb or die.



Tears streaming,

Like cool sweat,

Strangely calming my emotions.


Hands and feet,

Bloody and raw,

From feeling every,

Painful sensation.


Scaling, advancing,

Picking up momentum,

Growing stronger,

More confident.


Buoyed by God’s

Love and grace,


Decide to just…keep climbing…


Higher up, with starlight,

From God’s kingdom,


In my eyes,


Even the darkest night sky…Can’t take me down.


-Gilda Patricia




Shadow Marriage

Living in the ring, 

Of inescapable loss.

Pain, despair and sorrow,

Seeping in and closing down.


Driven by fear,

Yet directed by love…

Down deep… deeper still,

Into shadowlands, all my own.


There finding,

Having and holding,

Newly cherished,

Pieces of my phantom heart.


Shadow and I,

As one, made whole,

Parting in death, maybe not?

No mortal to separate.


Light rising up,

From delusion’s and,


Abysmal depths.


Once upon a time,

At a loss…

God’s kingdom contained within,

From this day forth.



In ring,

Of inescapable,

Unconditional Love.


-Gilda Patricia


‘Inner Child’ Reunion

(An acrostic poem for SYNCHRONICITY):


Yore (days of)













God’s love, tadhana… leading me back to wholeness, synchronously, in His perfect time.

Gilda Patricia

Day 30-Word of the day-tadhana (n.) An invisible force that makes things happen beyond the control of mortals.

Word High July -30 Beautiful Filipino Words

challenge set by A Reading Writer’s blog, and Doodles and Scribbles